Lifewest for all
Dingy with &Hp Mercury
Fishing rods x 8
Eberspracher diesel heater 2 x 5 kw for cabins and saloon
Generator 11kw
Extra webasto Cockpit, 5Kw
exstra electrical fans on each cabin
Cups, plates, spoons, knifes…. for 12 persons
Electrical toilett
All winches are electrical
Daybed/sun bed Outside
Sofa outside
Helmstation covere (Bimini)
Gass grill
Extra gas (5 kg) Option 11 kg
Warm suites x 10
Above decks
Our living rooma steering station on the fly bridge with safe access from both sides for perfect visibility and a large sunbathing area
a spacious cockpit, again ideal for sunbathing, on the same level as the galley, with a ventilation panel
a second cockpit, making best use of the forward area
particularly safe and effective transom platforms for coming aboard or accessing the tender
Below decks
interior design by Nauta: elegance and functionality
saloon and cabins exceptionally well lit
natural light in cabins thanks to large glazed panels on hulls
truly luxurious owner’s and guests’ cabins
“U”-shaped galley for greater comfort at sea
galley located between cockpit and saloon
engine compartments remote from the living areas and perfectly insulated
Book your experience
Arctic Princess Daytours